"Teamwork – the application of relationships to identified goals."
The principals at Relate Rx have long histories rooted in teamwork and organization development. In fact, our practice evolved from working in the most successful team we have ever experienced. We’ve seen the ROI of deliberate team and organization development in our own businesses, and in those of our clients. Teamwork is also how we deliver the services described below, and how we engage. Relying on data science to identify behavioral and cognitive assets of individuals and teams, our consultants help clients design Dream Teams that achieve results.
Individual Leadership Coaching
Assessment, strategies, and coaching for new and tenured leaders or high potentials, on-boarding, and performance improvement.
Leadership Team Coaching
Formal and ad hoc project teams and new team startups.
Existing teams: assessment, strategies, and coaching for moving to high performance teaming.
Specific Interventions
Assertiveness and self-esteem development
Behavior style assessments, profiles, and feedback
Cognitive assessments, profiles, and feedback
Context mapping (internal and external)
Conflict resolution training and facilitation
Decision-making and problem solving skill development
Effective communication and dialogue training
Emotional competencies inventory and coaching
Employee Survey follow-up: strategies and action planning
Goal setting: identifying measures, strategies and tactics
Interpersonal skills and relationship building
Interviewing: individual and focus group
Leadership 360 assessments, reports, and feedback
Leadership: strategies for leading in context of culture, readiness, and goals
Learning style assessment and coaching
Meetings: effective facilitation
Sales and management assessments, profiles and feedback
Small group facilitation, assessment and intervention
Stress management practices
Team innovation profiles and feedback
Vision, mission, and goal setting
Workplace relationship assessments, map, and feedback
Tools we use:
Reach us by calling 612-460-7271
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